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917 Days.
Since the inception of Sushi. We appreciate all the friends we’ve made along the way to the Future of Finance.

Your keys, your coins

Own your own crypto, just like cash in your wallet. Fully decentralized & self custody of your funds means your money in your wallet, as it should be.
Move assets across networks in seconds.
We will always find you the best rate, no matter what network you’re on, with no extra fees.
Build wealth with Sushi.
It doesnt stop at trading.
Earn passive income with
your coins.
With multiple ways to passively earn yield on your coins, you can choose your own yield stack and make your money work for you, all in the background, 24/7.
Explore our DeFi Payment Solution

Furo Streaming

Automate your DAO salaries and vesting schedules while earning interest from yield strategies.
Help build the future with Sushi. We invite all developers to explore Sushi's frameworks.
Sushi Token Vault

The interest-bearing DeFi base layer

Trident AMM

A future-proof framework for building AMMs

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Demystifying DeFi - everything you need to know in one place. For beginners to advanced users, and everyone in between.